

Our Process


Preliminary Phase

Our initial meeting and briefing allow us to get to know the client, and for us to evaluate their requirements, likes, and dislikes, all of which are vital in building a trusting relationship where we understand what they're trying to create.


Design Concept

We use this time to prepare our initial style concept boards that we use as a visual tool to clarify the style and confirm the brief between the designer and client.


Design Development

We work with you until you are happy with our final concept and would like to proceed to specifying / sourcing / products / materials.


Supply Chain

With your approval, we fine-tune the final budgets, tender, and technical documents that will meet your expectations on your target. This can include ordering furnishings, materials, and products.



A part of the supply chain, this final execution period allows us to achieve the desired outcome on your site. We collaborate with builders, trades, suppliers, and manufacturers under the control of onsite engineers and disciplined coordination.



The final stage of our design process involves us coming for a final inspection of your project, to ensure that we’re both are happy with the final outcome.

Our Services



As part of our project design services, we identify your project's specific architectural needs and norms and create concepts that combine quality and aesthetics. Prior to implementation, we utilize advanced technology and software to design concepts digitally, providing high-quality visuals and presentations that bring your ideas to life. Throughout the project design process, we strive to ensure that the end results are not only efficient but also uniquely tailored to your needs. Additionally, we maintain constant communication with you to ensure a smooth and personalized experience.



Once the project design process is complete, whether you choose to move forward with us or not, our project consultancy services are available to evaluate the application from various perspectives and to identify the necessary materials and resources to align with your needs and preferences. We prioritize transparent communication throughout the construction process, keeping investors informed and involved in decision-making before the building is even constructed. With our expertise and attention to detail, we strive to bring your expectations and dreams to life while ensuring a successful outcome.


Product Supply

At Acoustic Design & Architecture, we offer a comprehensive selection of equipment and materials that are designed to enhance the acoustic and visual experience of auditoriums and other public spaces. Our product range includes high-quality seating, carpets, step nosing, and LED lighting, as well as premium acoustic materials like wood panels, baffles, felt and fabric panels, and noise and vibration control units.

As part of our commitment to providing exceptional audio-visual solutions, we also offer stage and theatre lighting, meeting and interpreter systems, automation, and control systems. Additionally, we provide a range of stage equipment, including textiles, control and automation systems, above- and on- stage mechanics, under-stage mechanics, and stage flooring. All of our materials and equipment are carefully selected from well-known brands and come with long-term warranties to ensure the satisfaction of our clients.



As a complement to our project design and consultancy services, our project execution process is designed to provide the highest quality services to our clients. Our expert team works diligently to ensure that the design and material selection are in line with projected standards and specifications, helping to minimize the risk of disruptions during project implementation. We strive to achieve the best possible results within the determined budget, all while maintaining open lines of communication and providing exceptional customer service throughout the entire project.